On Our "Virtual Route 66" With this Special Quarter-End Edition
Coop Scoop: Stay or Stand Down? Priority One Is Defeating Donald Trump THE COOP SCOOP JUL 1 June 30 By Marc Cooper Pressure continues to mount on Joe Biden to step aside from the Democratic nomination even though he seems, at least for the moment, to want to soldier on. It’s an uphill quest as the latest national poll shows more than 70% of voters want Biden to leave the race and that’s a number hard to ignore. This story still needs a few more days to shake out. Here’s what I know for the moment. It is logistically possible to make a switch. It’s possible so long as Joe Biden voluntarily agrees to release his delegates so they can choose another candidate at the August party convention. I also know there is enough time to conduct a serious alternative campaign. In most advanced countries, national campaign are run in 6-8 weeks not in 12-18 months. What I don’t know: a) is there enough funding for a different slate? B) Is it ...