On Our "Virtual Route 66" This Week: Some #RandomThoughts


Conflict analysis

Software aspires to forecast who will win a battle

Conflict in Ukraine and tension elsewhere means demand is high


 Russian tanks in Ukraine are sprouting cages

 The Economist reads: Five books to understand modern warfare

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Distress signals

The 53 fragile emerging economies

The contours of a debt crisis are starting to emerge

There is one alternative

Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss will battle to be Britain’s next prime minister

Two children of Thatcher vie to succeed Boris Johnson


 Our interactive tracker on the race to 10 Downing Street

Torrid and horrid

Today’s heatwaves are a warning of worse to come

Adaptation will be disruptive, costly and essential


 1843 magazine: Record high temperatures mean sweat, toil, tears and more sweat

The visible hand

The ECB’s masterplan to manipulate markets

Could it misfire?


Migrant flows are changing in the Americas

A declaration signed last month may help manage them

Daily chart

How safe is nuclear energy?

Despite some notable disasters, nuclear power is one of the least deadly sources of energy

The Economist explains

Why the dollar is so strong

A weak starting point, rising interest rates and safe-haven status have made for a huge rally

The Economist reads

What to read to understand why Americans both love and loathe immigrants

Seven books on the tense relationship between the native- and foreign-born

From El-Salam to the world

Egypt’s authorities want to crack down on mahraganat

But the working-class music will not be stifled
