Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): As The Quarter Draws To a Close.....


It has been quite a challenging week with the Elections in Germany; The Race to replace PM Suga in Japan; The rise of China; The Biden Agenda;   The Post COVID Economy as Central Bankers began tightening again; The Fiasco with France and as the UN General Assembly came to a close.    We present the following "Outsider Wall" as we gear up for a very busy quarter before us:

Leaked Grant Proposal Details High-Risk Coronavirus Research

Sharon Lerner, Maia Hibbett

The proposal, rejected by U.S. military research agency DARPA, describes the insertion of human-specific cleavage sites into SARS-related bat coronaviruses.



America’s Generals Are Cowards. Fire Them All.

Peter Maass

The Kabul bombing reveals a cadre of generals who lack the courage to admit the dishonor of killing civilians.

