Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): As The Quarter Draws To a Close.....
It has been quite a challenging week with the Elections in Germany; The Race to replace PM Suga in Japan; The rise of China; The Biden Agenda; The Post COVID Economy as Central Bankers began tightening again; The Fiasco with France and as the UN General Assembly came to a close. We present the following "Outsider Wall" as we gear up for a very busy quarter before us: World Xi Jinping may be the world’s fiercest tiger parent The Chinese president’s ambitions for the state means each month brings a new, landscape-altering surprise from Beijing SEPTEMBER 25, 2021 by Leo Lewis Global Economy Evergrande’s troubles show China is just as susceptible to capitalism’s ill effects The question is whether Xi Jinping will intervene to bail out indebted companies or let defaults spike SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 by Ruchir Sharma World Moqtada al-Sadr seizes the moment ahead of Iraq elections Populist cleric viewed in west as potential buffer against Iran determine...