
Showing posts from February, 2021

Notations From the Grid (Special M-End Edition): A Month-End Celebration

We welcome all to the final week here in the Daily Outsider. We present  compilations of thoughts as a celebration as our team will be on assignment all week although our live broadcast POD will be available and our Twitter Corner will be available Daily. Onward to March....  

Notations From the Grid (Special Edition): @POTUS & @VP Lead America Remembers the #COVID19 Fallen

Over 500,000 Americans have passed away due to COVID 19.   President Biden and Vice President Harris--joined by First Lady Jill Biden and Second Gentlemen Douglas Emholff-led a moment of silence as the President of the United States ordered flags to be flown at flag staff for five days to honor the fallen. We here at the Daily Outsider pray for the soul of the fallen as we pray that the Almighty grant all their loved ones solace to overcome the immense grief.    We will remember.

Notations From the Grid (W-End Edition): On the Week That Was (Updated)

On the Week That Was:  New From CBO Estimated Budget Effects of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 As Posted on the Website of the House Committee on Rules on February 19, 2021   World Iran threatens to block snap nuclear inspections Move likely to complicate US hopes of reviving 2015 deal with global powers FEBRUARY 15, 2021   by Najmeh Bozorgmehr in Tehran World Joe Biden speaks with Benjamin Netanyahu after being accused of snub ‘Friendly and warm’ conversation between leaders of US and Israel ends four-week silence FEBRUARY 17, 2021   by Katrina Manson in Washington THIS IS THE MOVEMENT TO PUT Friend,   I'll begin by acknowledging the terribly disappointing, yet not unexpected, news: the Senate's acquittal of Donald Trump.  Make no mistake, the Senate may  have failed to convict him, but  Trump is not innocent . We all know what we heard and saw in the months leading up to Insurrection Day.  And thanks to my close friend Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On the Week-End that Was In America

Former President Trump was acquitted by the US Senate by a vote of 57-43.    Our team compiled a discourse of the reactions throughout the weekend: We close out with this bit of an uplifting note as our team will continue to assess it all week: US dips below 100,000 average daily new COVID cases for first time in months The United States dipped below 100,000 average daily new COVID-19 cases on Friday, a number that hasn't been achieved since early November. Read the full story here.

Notations From the Grid (Week-End Edition): Out & About in America

  Both the Defense and the Prosecution on the trial of Former US President Trump rested their case yesterday .   The US Political Cartoonists shared some thoughts throughout the week: We close out with some #RandomThoughts on the week as we note that the US Senate on an unanimous basis passed a law to honor Officer Eugene Goodman:   Newly released surveillance footage shows Mitt #Romney and Mike #Pence escaping Capitol Hill rioters on January 6 — The National (@TheNationalNews) February 11, 2 021      As a public defender, I couldn't even use the same bathroom as jurors during a trial. — Eliza Orlins (@elizaorlins) February 12, 2021 Federal deficit to hit $2.3 trillion in 2021, second-largest shortfall since World War II The federal government's 2021 deficit, at $2.3 trillion, will be the second-largest annual deficit since World War II, the Congressional Budget Office projected Thursday. Read the fu