Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On #Election2020 & #POTUS46 Watch


Over the thanksgiving weekend here in the United States, President Trump continued his baseless claims of Election Fraud as COVID-19 cases continued to rage on in the four corners of the United States.     This is as in the Middle East the implications of The Deputy Defense of Iran and one of the key architects of Iran's Nuclear Program, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was assassinated in a suburb of Tehran.      Some have attributed his status to the status of the assassinated Ghasem Solemani who was assassinated earlier in the year depicted in this image below which circulated on Social Media:    

There were deliberations at the Supreme National Security Council over the weekend to assess a response.   We present a snapshot of the Week-End over the Grid as we begin the final month of deliberations throughout our properties:
