Notations From the Grid (Special Week-End Edition): On Global Citizen Prize


Global Citizen Prize

Mark Your Calendars For December!




Global Citizen Prize recognizes the remarkable people among us who dedicate their lives to defeating extreme poverty.


Now, the inspirational award ceremony is back, with John Legend as host for a second year! Global Citizen Prize will broadcast and stream globally in December — starting with NBC on Dec. 19, and then airing in countries all over the world in the following days."


As well as honoring action-taking world leaders, Global Citizens, young people, artists, and more, the show will feature inspirational stories of human strength and unforgettable artist performances, reminding each of us that, together, we’ll come out of this year stronger.


Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more announcements about who will join us as performers, presenters, and even award winners, and how you can tune in wherever you are. 


Before the show, we need your help! We’ve just launched a public vote to help decide who among three extraordinary young activists will be presented with the Global Citizen Prize: Cisco Youth Leadership Award, and receive $250,000 to support their organization. 


Read about the three inspiring finalists here and tell us your favorite to help decide the winner.


Thanks for having your say, and stay tuned!

The Global Citizen Team
