
Showing posts from November, 2020

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On #Election2020 & #POTUS46 Watch

  Over the thanksgiving weekend here in the United States, President Trump continued his baseless claims of Election Fraud as COVID-19 cases continued to rage on in the four corners of the United States.     This is as in the Middle East the implications of The Deputy Defense of Iran and one of the key architects of Iran's Nuclear Program, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was assassinated in a suburb of Tehran.      Some have attributed his status to the status of the assassinated Ghasem Solemani who was assassinated earlier in the year depicted in this image below which circulated on Social Media:     There were deliberations at the Supreme National Security Council over the weekend to assess a response.   We present a snapshot of the Week-End over the Grid as we begin the final month of deliberations throughout our properties:

On This Thanksgiving Eve In the United States....

   On this Thanksgiving Eve here in the United States, we hereby present this courtesy the team at The Atlantic as we wish all a Happy Thanksgiving here in the United States: 9 Poems for a Tough Winter (Matt Black/Magnum) “SO PENSEROSO” BY OGDEN NASH ( AUDIO VERSION ) I do not wish to be blithe, / I wish to recoil and writhe. / I will revel in cosmic woe, / And I want my woe to show.  This one will straighten you out. The great Ogden Nash, 1902–71, was a fiercely innovative poet who consecrated his art to the entertainment of the masses—and carried on being fiercely innovative. No one was wittier, no one was more verbally adroit, yet he had no meanness or spikiness; he was adored by that shy beast, the general reader. “So Penseroso” is a loving, piercing send-up of a certain strain of indulgent melancholia—to which we’re all prone right now, let’s face it. You will feel both accurately diagnosed and much, much better. —  James Parke r, staff writer “ MY HOUSE ” BY NI...

Notations From The Grid (Weekly Edition): While "Out & About"...

 After some rather challenging few weeks, the GSA Administrator here in the United States has formalized the transition process by authorizing funds to be released which was formally transmitted yesterday.    Our team did a compilations of the discourse over the last number of days which we hereby present as President-Elect Biden rolls out his key appointments:  

Notations From the Grid (Special Week-End Edition): On Global Citizen Prize

  Global Citizen Prize Mark Your Calendars For December!     Global Citizen Prize recognizes the remarkable people among us who dedicate their lives to defeating extreme poverty.   Now, the inspirational award ceremony is back, with John Legend as host for a second year! Global Citizen Prize will broadcast and stream globally in December — starting with NBC on Dec. 19, and then airing in countries all over the world in the following days."   As well as honoring action-taking world leaders, Global Citizens, young people, artists, and more, the show will feature inspirational stories of human strength and unforgettable artist performances, reminding each of us that, together, we’ll come out of this year stronger.   Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more announcements about who will join us as performers, presenters, and even award winners, and how you can tune in wherever you are.    Before the show, we need your help!  We’ve just launched a p...

Notations From the Grid (Special W-End Edition): Conservative Political Analyst @BillKristol On If @realDonaldTrump Will Concede


Notations From the Grid (Weekly EditionI): On Technology, the Future of Democracy & the Week That Was

Our team chose this talk as our World continues to face profound headwinds as COVID continues to rage on, President Trump in the United States continues to challenge Election Results and Ethopia is faced with the prospect of Civil War. Here is a snapshot of the World as it was this week:      Defense One Alert November 17, 2020 Trump Orders Hasty Afghanistan, Iraq Drawdowns to Beat Biden Inauguration By Katie Bo Williams President Trump’s new acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller on Tuesday announced that the United States will draw down its forces in Afghanistan and Iraq to 2,500 troops in each country by Jan. 15, just days before President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.  Read more »

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): A Flashback & A Sense of the Discourse re #Election2020


Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): A Brief Snapshot re: #Election2020 ((The Aftermath))

 As a new week dawns, we hereby present a snapshot of all that happened over the weekend: