Notations On Our World (Quarter-End Edition): Out & About in Our World
As we went to press, the United States Political Scene continues to be in a state of flux. Our team chose two key messages for us on our World and the need to embrace a sense of purpose.
As we bid farewell to the Quarter, we were quite amused when reporting came out that Judicial Officials in Iran issued arrest warrants for the killing of the Iranian General, Qassem Suleminai. On the list of 26 people, the name of the President of the United States was mentioned and they referred the warrant to Interpol--Interpol swiftly rejected it and we here at the Daily Outsider got a laugh out of it. We also understand that Sulemaini's Daughter, Zenab, married the nephew of the Leader of Hizballah. What is important to note is that Hizballah is at the forefront of the illicit drug trade in close collaboration with the Supreme Guide of Iran (referred to as the Supreme Leader in Western Media )'s Office in Tehran. This is as Iran is grappling with runaway inflation, a raging COVID-19 along with soaring rents.
Beyond Iran, there is the on-going challenges with Israel. Israel wants to annex key areas We have also been assessing the on-going challenges in Libya and Yemen. This is as Egypt and Ethiopia have been at loggerheads over the Nile and the new dam Ethiopia is bringing on line which will have profound impacts on Egypt. We have also been continuing to assess the situation in the Sahel as the Islamic State Affiliates in that part of Africa continue to wreck havoc. We have also been seeing the alarming rate of COVID-19 in Brazil--and the view from Brazil's Former Health Minister who was fired by the Brazilian President.
In the United States, The Conservative Media Circle was up in arms against Twitter as Twitter launched warnings against the President's Tweets and other Conservative luminaries either received warnings or were banned. A new site, Parler, was being pushed as an alternative and the conservative commentator, Dan Boningo, was pushing for it--and we understand he holds a stake in it:
This is as there were reporting of Russians paying bounty money for the Taliban killing US Soldiers--and SkyNews confirmed that this was also so about British Soldiers. The President and the Vice President Denied receiving a briefing and the Director of National Intelligence denied a briefing was provided. The reporting at the Washington Post is hereby noted here as others (including NBC News, AP) on how the Taliban were not just armed by the Russians--but also apparently at least one soldier was killed based on reporting by Aaron Blake of the Washington Post earlier today as he noted it during an appearance on MSNBC's Deadline White House. We also understood that the White House had planned a briefing-for Republicans Only.
Our team curated a snapshot of all the coverage over the past number of weeks courtesy the Washington Examiner, The Atlantic, the Washington Post along with an sampling of the updates from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health to reflect the challenging state of affairs before us. Campaigns were also very much on the fundraising path to try and raise money--what struck out was the Democratic Challenger to the US House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy on her efforts as the US Senate Primary in Kentucky was yet to be settled. There were also two very critical decisions by the US Supreme Court which was of profound concern to the Conservative Legal Community--a sampling of it is noted here for reference. Our team also attended a conversation regarding Iran sponsored by Stanford University that we have also included here as our team will be releasing a Notation On Iran this week which should be available late this week.
We implore all to make sure that the CDC & WHO guidelines are followed as our World continues to be ravaged by the spike in COVID-19 and underscored by State and Local Health Officials. For the latest as States hit a major pause in light of the spike, Al Jazeera (one of our partners), provides updates that is available by clicking here.
We have a very challenging summer before us but we remain hopeful. We look forward to our engagements throughout our properties during the Quarter. As we implored all during our PSA next week in all our properties, Please don't forget to #WearAMask2SaveaLife
Trump’s role as chief executive is inextricable from his status as an incumbent facing tough reelection prospects. A new uptick in U.S. coronavirus cases raises more questions about his ability to guide the country in this moment.
Below, four writers analyze the state of the coronavirus response, the state of the campaign, and the places where those efforts intersect:
If the National Transportation Safety Board investigated it like a plane crash, they’d find that “this was a journey straight into a mountainside, with countless missed opportunities to turn away,” James Fallows, a longtime aviator and Atlantic writer, concludes, having spoken with 30 experts for this piece.
The recent spike is “his own doing,” David Frum argues, citing the president’s recent rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, among other missteps.
“This week, a friendly interviewer asked in the gentlest of terms what Trump has in mind for America if he wins,” our White House correspondent, Peter Nicholas, reports. “He gave no real answer.”
“For the past few months, Trump and the conservative propaganda apparatus have struggled to make the old race-and-gender-baiting rhetoric stick to Biden,” Adam Serwer argues.
The global coronavirus death toll passed the 500,000 mark hours after confirmed cases topped 10 million. The world hit the grim milestones on Sunday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University, after India and Russia reported a slew of new cases. The United States remains the nation with the highest number of both reported cases and deaths followed by Brazil, where cases are still on the rise. |
Former national security adviser John Bolton said he has serious concerns about a new report alleging Russian bounties are on U.S. troops in Afghanistan and President Trump's denial that he was briefed on the matter. On Sunday, Bolton called a recent New York Times report that Russia offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants to kill coalition forces in Afghanistan, including U.S. troops, one of the most serious issues to arise within the Trump administration. Hours earlier, Trump said he hadn't been briefed about the alleged bounties and demanded that the paper reveal the anonymous intelligence officials sourced in the story. "I’ve been puzzled over the tweet of the president saying, 'I don’t know anything about this,'" Bolton said on CNN's State of the Union. |
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar warned that the United States is running out of time to combat the spread of the coronavirus as the country sees cases spiking in some regions. On Sunday, Azar credited the progress made in two months since lockdowns began to protect the public from the virus but expressed concern about increased hospitalizations related to the illness, particularly as cases surge in the South. "Things are very different from two months ago," he told CNN's State of the Union. "We now have three therapeutics. We have hospital capacity. We have reserves of personal protective equipment. We're speeding our way toward having vaccines. So, it is a very different situation, but this is a very, very serious situation, and the window is closing for us to take action and get this under control." |
Former national security adviser John Bolton said it's a typical occurrence for President Trump to promote content, including racist or offensive language, without realizing the full context. Bolton addressed his former boss's retweet of a controversial video on Sunday that showed a man driving a golf cart with Trump 2020 signs and shouting, "White power!" at anti-Trump protesters in Florida. "He doesn't pay attention to a lot of things. It's entirely possible that he tweeted this video because he saw the [campaign] sign," Bolton said on CNN's State of the Union. |
Trump sway over base in question as three favored GOP candidates go down

Did I make a mistake in trusting you?
Our End-of-Quarter Deadline is TOMORROW, and I set a MASSIVE goal of raising another $18 MILLION. This is our BIGGEST goal yet, so why haven’t you stepped up?
Not crushing our goal is NOT an option. I really need you to contribute, which is why I’m going to do something I’ve never done before in the hopes that you’ll join me in making history...
For the NEXT HOUR, all contributions made to our critical $18,000,000 End-of-Quarter Goal will be not 300, not 400, not 500, but 600%-MATCHED!
This exclusive 600%-MATCH is only available to you for the next hour, Don’t wait.
Please contribute ANY AMOUNT in the NEXT HOUR to our End-of-Quarter Goal and your gift will automatically be 600%-MATCHED. >>
Have you seen the latest demands coming from the Radical Left?

They’ve gone INSANE. They are totally and completely UNHINGED.
We can’t believe that Democrats are calling for the removal of statues of Jesus Christ... That’s NOT going to happen. Not as long as President Trump is OUR President.
That’s why keeping our lead over Sleepy Joe is paramount. We have a critical End-of-Quarter Deadline coming up and President Trump wants to send the Left a message by absolutely CRUSHING our $18,000,000 goal.
Please contribute ANY AMOUNT by 11:59 PM TONIGHT and your gift will instantly be 400%-MATCHED. >>
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell urged people to wear masks out in public in order to navigate the “middle ground” of reopening the economy during the coronavirus outbreak. “We must have no stigma — none — about wearing masks when we leave our homes and come near other people,” McConnell said on the Senate floor Monday. “Wearing simple face coverings is not about protecting other people. It’s about protecting everyone we encounter.” Read the full story here. After a string of successful endorsements in Republican primaries and special elections, President Trump has hit a rough patch. Two candidates Trump opposed in GOP primaries won on Tuesday night, not long after an incumbent the president endorsed was ousted at a Virginia state party convention. The results have some questioning whether Trump’s anemic national poll numbers — he now trails presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden by 10.1 points in the RealClearPolitics average — have finally taken a toll on his stranglehold over the party, or at least his sway with rank-and-file Republican voters. |
Did I make a mistake in trusting you?
Our End-of-Quarter Deadline is TOMORROW, and I set a MASSIVE goal of raising another $18 MILLION. This is our BIGGEST goal yet, so why haven’t you stepped up?
Not crushing our goal is NOT an option. I really need you to contribute, which is why I’m going to do something I’ve never done before in the hopes that you’ll join me in making history...
For the NEXT HOUR, all contributions made to our critical $18,000,000 End-of-Quarter Goal will be not 300, not 400, not 500, but 600%-MATCHED!
This exclusive 600%-MATCH is only available to you for the next hour, Don’t wait.
Please contribute ANY AMOUNT in the NEXT HOUR to our End-of-Quarter Goal and your gift will automatically be 600%-MATCHED. >>
Have you seen the latest demands coming from the Radical Left?
They’ve gone INSANE. They are totally and completely UNHINGED.
We can’t believe that Democrats are calling for the removal of statues of Jesus Christ... That’s NOT going to happen. Not as long as President Trump is OUR President.
That’s why keeping our lead over Sleepy Joe is paramount. We have a critical End-of-Quarter Deadline coming up and President Trump wants to send the Left a message by absolutely CRUSHING our $18,000,000 goal.
This is so important that he’s activated a short-term 400%-MATCH on ALL contributions until 11:59 PM TONIGHT.
Please contribute ANY AMOUNT by 11:59 PM TONIGHT and your gift will instantly be 400%-MATCHED. >>
We did not plan on emailing you again tonight, but today has been truly awful. We're facing a major setback now to beat Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy because donations to help Kim Mangone plummeted this afternoon. We're still $1,920 short! If we miss this goal, that'll mean we can't hire more staff on the ground. If we don't hire more staff, we won't be able to reach crucial voters. And if we don't reach more voters, we'll be stuck with TWO more years of Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy doing Trump's bidding. This really can't wait -- will you pitch just one donation of ANY amount to help Democrat Kim Mangone recover? >> |
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