Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On #LifeInTheTimeofCorona

As our team has been on the prowl to serve as an "aggregator" of resources, we hereby present the following courtesy the Orange County Business Journal.   They publish this daily for the Orange County Business Community & the National Association to End Homelessness: 

The Leading Voice of Business in Orange County                                    
OCBC works to get you the best information in these difficult times fighting COVID-19, its health and economic impacts.  Check your email often for important updates AND follow us on FacebookTwitter and Linkedin. In addition, check out our COVID-19 Resources page on
Join OCBC and connect with the most influential companies and top executives actively engaged in creating a pro-business environment and prosperous economy. Hundreds of Orange County's leading businesses, cities, and non-profit organizations represent an elite group from every industry cluster, collectively employing over 250,000 people in the county and two million globally. Learn More. For more info, contact Natalie Rubalcava, OCBC Chief Operating Officer.
OCBC Member Resources Boeing assists with COVID-19 recovery & relief efforts
California State University Fullerton COVID-19 Resource Page 
CalOptima COVID-19 Resources
Chapman COVID-19 Resources Page
City of Mission Viejo Business Resources / COVID-19 Resources
City of Irvine Coronavirus Emergency Measures
Disneyland: A Letter from Disneyland Resort President, Rebecca Campbell
Irvine Company Resources for Businesses
Kaiser Permanente: SoCal Community Highlights
MemorialCare CEO and Chief Medical Officer Discuss COVID-19 Latest Developments [VIDEO]
OCRegister COVID-19 Daily Updates
Pacific Symphony @ Home, Watch + Listen, and More
UCI Beall Applied Innovation Call to Action: Share Your Ideas to Fight COVID-19
UCI COVID-19 Resources page
UCI COVID-19 News page

OC Community - Support Your Local Business! 
Anaheim Response & Recovery via Visit Anaheim & Anaheim Chamber
Creative Future Resources for Creative Professionals
OC Community Health Initiative Provides Free Health Insurance Enrollment Services

Support Local Restaurants! 

Giving BackDonate
Verizon Small Business Recovery Fund | Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Vital Link Needs Your Support - Help support Vital Link's STEM and career pathways for students
StandUp For Kids Orange County COVID-19 Emergency Response 

OC Health Flyer (available in several languages)

CARES Act Guidance for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Elected Officials

A newly-released resource can help elected officials maximize federal resources, made available under the CARES Act, to reduce housing instability and homelessness during COVID-19.

This guidance includes recommendations for COVID-19-specific funding for Community Development Block Grants, Emergency Solutions Grants, and the Coronavirus Relief Fund. It also provides suggested action steps for local officials to use the funds and support homelessness and housing efforts in their communities. The resource was created in partnership with the National Low Income Housing Coalition, National League of Cities, and Mayors and CEOs for U.S. Housing Investment.

View the recommendations >>>

COVID-19: Recent Resources

COVID-19 Webinar Series from the Alliance

In an ongoing webinar series, Alliance staff and other experts will be discussing various tools, guidance, and strategies relating to how providers and homelessness system leaders can respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Upcoming webinar:
  • 4/23: COVID-19 Webinar Series: Federal Funding to Address Homelessness and COVID-19: Ask the Experts

A Research Agenda for Ending Homelessness

The Alliance has released its 2020 Research Agenda for Ending Homelessness. This document is designed to better inform funders, both private and public, about research questions that will help make policy and practice more effective. 

The Research Agenda is focused on highly relevant sub-populations of people experiencing homelessness: older adults, unsheltered homelessness, individuals, and families.

View the Research Agenda >>>
