Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On Our World During #LIfeIntheTimeofCorona & Beyond....

As we begin, we wanted to simply say thank you to all the healthcare workers.   We also are with Governor Cuomo as he noted that there is no BOX--and we here at the Daily Outsider will be part of the solution to help build a new "Box" as we bring a curated perspective to bear.

As a new week dawns, as part of our commitments to bring perspectives, we present a snapshot of perspectives courtesy the Bulwark, The Real News Network and The Visual Capitalist.


Don’t Deny Pandemic Relief Loans to Second-Chance Entrepreneurs
By Stan Veuger and Ames C. Grawert

A new regulation threatens to exclude people with criminal records—and their employees—from the recovery.
What Makes SARS-CoV-2 the Perfect Pathogen
By David Shaywitz

The Case Fatality Rate (CFR) measures how lethal the virus is. Meaning: If you are infected, how likely are you to die?
The Ten Weeks That Lost the War
By Tim Miller 

A Timeline of How Trump Lied, Bungled and Screwed America in the COVID-19 Crisis
How Trump Turned the Pandemic Into Identity Politics
By Charles Sykes

Forget the people dying. Forget the economic collapse. Trump, Republicans, and Conservatism Inc. have turned COVID-19 into just another front of the culture war.

On today’s show: TRNN visual producer Andrew Corkery, “By Any Means Necessary” co-host Jacqueline Luqman, TRNN investigative reporter Stephen Janis, and special guest DC consultant Dante Atkins. Hosted by Kim Brown.

The for-profit healthcare system has failed to protect most people during the coronavirus pandemic, and it’s increasing demand for policies like Medicare for All.

Khalifa Haftar’s onslaught on the Libya’s capital was openly supported by the UAE, but evidence has emerged that his forces received weapons and training from Israel.

Big tech volunteers to create platforms that facilitate digital contact tracing, but how will they protect private health data?

Kweisi Mfume wants to return to Congress representing Maryland’s 7th District. He discusses the 2020 elections, the Democratic Party, how governments should respond to COVID-19, and the fifth anniversary of Freddie Gray’s death.

In 1970, Sen. Gaylord Nelson and an enormous grassroots movement held the first Earth Day. Nelson’s daughter, Tia Nelson, discusses how the environmental movement has changed in the last 50 years.

On today’s show: Director of the Earth System Science Center Michael Mann, Earther staff writer Dharna Noor, Climate Justice Alliance policy coordinator Anthony Rogers Wright, and TRNN climate reporter Steve Horn. Hosted by Kim Brown.   This story is broadcast as part of Covering Climate Now, a global journalism collaboration strengthening coverage of the climate story…

Now in the midst of a crisis, Canada will lift its embargo and sell armored vehicles to the Saudi military, which is engaged in brutal repression inside the country and the ongoing war in Yemen.

Fired Amazon employee Chris Smalls says workers will protest until they feel protected, while Amazon-owned Whole Foods is ranking stores where employees are most likely to unionize.

Trump demands that states take the lead on COVID-19 response but won’t give federal support for local governments or workers, and is still fighting oversight for the trillions already spent on stimulus.

Sunday Digest: Last Week's Infographics

Here are all the new infographics from last week in one easy place! 
How COVID-19 Consumer Spending is Impacting Industries
This infographic showcases the industries that will benefit from COVID-19 consumer spending, and the industries that have a very uncertain future.
Explaining the COVID-19 Oil Crash
How oil prices went negative: this explainer shows how a collapse in demand, a Saudi-Russia price war, and oversupply led to prices going wonky.
Ranked: The 10 Most Expensive Cities in the World
From Osaka to New York, we look at a global ranking of the 10 most expensive cities, and how those rankings have changed over the last year.
How to Stay Rational During Market Volatility
It can be tempting to sell during high market volatility, but investors who hold onto their investment historically see much greater returns.
Leadership Accountability in Times of Crisis
This infographic explores five key behaviors that CEOs and executives should adopt in order to demonstrate leadership accountability in times of crisis.
Exploring the Expanse: 30 Years of Hubble Discoveries
For 30 years, the Hubble Space telescope has been our eye into outer space. This stunning map looks at 550,000 observations made between 1990-2019.
This Week's Flashback Favorites:

Predictions: What Earth Will Be Like 100 Years in the Future
Predictions from a group of futurists, technologists and architects on what our planet will be like in 100 years in the future.

Originally from Aug 2016
