Notations On Our World (Weekly Edition): On the #IranProtests

Iran Protests 

Scenes from The Streets in Tehran: 
People Shut off Their Cars and simply sit in their Cars

"We Bled Blood For 40 Years--It is Enough--We will Resist"

President Rouhani of Iran: 
The Price Increase Was Approved by the Head of the Three Branches

Member of Iran's Parliament (Majlis) Mahmoud Sadeghi: Decision to increase fuel was incorrect--The protests were Expected--A caution to Security Forces to not deal with people in a violent Way

University of Tehran Politics Professor Sadegh Ziba Kalam:  The Government drank the Poison of increasing the price of Gasoline

As we went to press, Protests in Iran continued in the aftermath of a sudden decision by the Government to raise the price of Gasoline.    Our team captured a sampling of the discourse before the Government turned off the Internet.    Netblocks reported that every day the internet was shut down, it cost the Iranian Economy over 360 Million Dollars.

We found it quite laughable how the Minister of Telecommunications claimed he was working on restoring the internet even though  the Government continued to double down on its' decision--including the Supreme Guide (referred to as the Supreme Leader in the Western Media) calling them thugs.    We saw reports of innovative non-violent civil resistance including handing flowers to police officers and shutting off cars and playing soccer (Football) or just simply shutting off vehicles and simply staying in cars.  

Our team will continue to assess it all over the ensuing days as we note this which in our view captured the aspiration of all Iranians for a better tomorrow:  
