
Showing posts from November, 2019

Notations On Our World (Special Thanksgiving Eve Edition): On #IranProtests

It is thanksgiving eve here in the United States.   As we take a moment of pause to be thankful for all all blessings, we wanted to remember all who agitate for Freedom and Democracy around the Iran.   Our focus here is Iran. Based on all the reporting we have seen in the aftermath of the internet being restored in #Iran, current protests have been crushed by the Regime with Thousands arrested and hundreds killed.   As our team assessed it all, we captured the following from the grid that in our view epitomized the tragedy that is Iran right now: We will be dark on our platforms through Thanksgivings Week-End although our Live Broadcast POD and our Daily Twitter Updates. Happy Thanksgiving and Best Wishes to all.

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): #RandomThoughts ....

As a new week dawns.....

Notations On Our World (Week-End Edition): On #Iran, #Israel, #Hope & Darkness

On Iran and Its' Role in the Middle East and How the People Arose  Iranian Environmentalists Sentenced to Prison  Quite a week has passed in our World as the impeachment hearings against President Trump concluded in the House of Representatives.   The Nationwide Protests in Iran did not garner as much coverage as the Government claimed that it put down the uprising in over 100 cities-- and as leading Environmental Activists were sentenced after having been detained for over 21 Months without charge.   Meanwhile, Israel indicted its' sitting Prime Minister--and the Prime Minister rejected the indictment as a witch hunt.    We here at the Daily Outsider pay tribute to all who came out on the Streets in Iran and extend a profound heartfelt condolence  to the families of all who have lost their lives.    We also wanted to close out with a tribute to another brave soul who has dared to challenge Vladimir Putin, Alexei Navalny as we com...

Notations On Our World (Special Edition): 2020 November Democratic Debate in Atlanta

It has been quite a 24 hours with the latest Democratic Debate, the blockbuster Impeachment hearings.   This is as halfway around the World, Iran Protests continued as it was cut off from the World--Iranians around the World including here in South Orange County held demonstrations calling for regime change in Iran: Challenging Times...

Notations on Our World (Special MId-Week Edition): Out & About In Our World....

As we went to press with this special edition of Notations, the House Impeachment Inquiry was in full force as the US Ambassador to the European Union was before the US House Intelligence Committee.    We also have been assessing the on-going protests in Iran was Internet continues to be shut down although tricklers of information continues onward.    Our team chose this here--as an emphasis on what drives us as we continue to develop our platforms to act and be a forum to act--as we look forward to the continued privilege to serve: The cycle would be almost humorous by now if it were not so sad.  Politicians who have sat idly by, not doing their jobs to address the vexing, pressing problems of our time, rush in when tragedy strikes. Whether it’s a natural disaster that caught a city off guard, or another senseless mass shooting, these folks are there—or rather are there  on Twitter— to offer their “thoughts and prayers” to the victims. Then, of course, the...

Notations On Our World (Weekly Edition): On the #IranProtests

Iran Protests  Scenes from The Streets in Tehran:  People Shut off Their Cars and simply sit in their Cars "We Bled Blood For 40 Years--It is Enough--We will Resist" President Rouhani of Iran:  The Price Increase Was Approved by the Head of the Three Branches Member of Iran's Parliament (Majlis) Mahmoud Sadeghi: Decision to increase fuel was incorrect--The protests were Expected--A caution to Security Forces to not deal with people in a violent Way University of Tehran Politics Professor Sadegh Ziba Kalam:  The Government drank the Poison of increasing the price of Gasoline As we went to press, Protests in Iran continued in the aftermath of a sudden decision by the Government to raise the price of Gasoline.    Our team captured a sampling of the discourse before the Government turned off the Internet.    Netblocks reported that every day the internet  was shut down, it cost the Iranian Economy over 360 Million Dollars. We found it quite laugh...

Notations From the Grid (W-End Special Edition): On the World Of Debt


Notations From the Grid (W-End Edition): On the Week That Was

President Trump & President Edrogan (Courtesy Economist)  It has been quite a week in our World as the first week of the Impeachment Hearings in the US House of Representatives against President Trump.     Friday saw a testimony from the Former US Ambassador to Ukraine as the President attacked her on Twitter as she recounted how she was recalled and subsequently dismissed--and recounted how she felt intimidated and threatened in the aftermath of the call with the President of Ukraine .    Conservative Attorney Reflected upon the state of the GOP and President Trump:    This is also a week that saw President Trump and President Edrogan of Turkey met in Washington as well as Turkey continued its' campaign in Syria.   Meanwhile, Chile protests have continued as protests have continued in Lebanon as well.    There is also the UK Election Campaign as the Brexit Deadline looms large .    Never a dull moment in our Worl...

Notations On Our World (Mid-Week Edition): Out & About in Our World

As we went to press, the Impeachment Inquiry Public Phase had begun.   It is available by clicking here .   This is as former officials have begun what Trevor Noah noted as the "Book Tour" including a book deal by John Bolton with a reported $ 2 Million advance .   The Headline From Ukraine was telling as the impeachment hearing began:  In the meantime, beyond the shores of the United States, protests in Chile and Lebanon continued-  the Gaza conflict continued as Israel awaits a new Government and Bolivia continued to be in chaos in the aftermath of the resignation of Evo Morales--currently granted asylum in Mexico:       A Challenging World indeed...

Notations On Our World (Special Veterans Day Edition): On This #VeteransDay2019

We here at the Daily Outsider Salute all who have served and all who have paid the ultimate price along with their families as we remember:

Notations On Our World (Special Edition): Remembrance Sunday commemorated at Cenotaph | ITV News


Notations From the Grid (Week-End Edition): On the Week That Was

It has been quite a week.   Protests continued in Iraq , Lebanon and Chile .    Elections began in the UK that would as consequential as ever with the future of the unity of the United Kingdom at Stake .   Iran continued its' withdrawal process from t he 2015 Nuclear Agreement as a pivotal International Institute for Strategic Studies found its' position to be strengthened through the proxy wars it has waged.      Turkey, in the meantime, continues its' onslaught in Syria and the Turkish President noted yesterday that Turkey will not leave until others leave .  There was also the latest in a series of reports noting how our Mother Earth is facing a climate calamity like never before.    This is as the Impeachment Inquiry in the US House of Representatives continued with the release of transcripts and the on-going defense by the US House GOP--with the speculation over Michael Bloomberg and his impending Entry into the US Democra...

Notations From the Grid (Special Thursday Edition): Out & About on the US Political Scene

It was election day this past Tuesday in America and there was some interesting developments with a harbinger of developments to be forthcoming as 2020 looms.    Wednesday, though, saw a celebration at the White House on the occasion of confirming over 158 Federal Judges over the course of the Trump Administration.    Meanwhile, on the impeachment front, Public Testimonies will be commencing as transcripts are being released. We leave you with a snapshot of election results courtesy of the Team at CityLab:  Nov 06, 2019 What We’re Following Ballot box:  It’s the day after America’s off-year election, and some of the results are in. Here’s a rundown of some of the key outcomes so far: Pete Buttigieg’s  hand-picked successor , James Mueller, won the election for mayor of South Bend, signaling a continuation of Buttigieg’s legacy. ( Vox ) Danica Roem, who campaigned on traffic congestion improvements that haven’t yet come to  fruition , won re-electi...

Notations On Our World (Weekly Edition): On the Week That Was....

As a new week dawns in our World, we hereby presents a snapshot of the week that was that in our view presents a hopeful view of the World as we also have to be aware of the challenges it respreents--and as we went to press,  we took note of the Haaretz Commentary re: Benny Ganz as he works to create the next Israeli Government : 

Notations From the Grid (W-End Edition): @TrevorNoah Reflects on Protests Around The World

We have been inspired by the protests around the World--The Great Trevor Noah presented a "snapshot" of the upheavals around the World as we wish all a great weekend.