Notations From the Grid (Mid-Week Edition): Out & About in Our World

Our team has been on the prowl assessing the fire in our home State of California over the past number of days as we captured these scenes from Grid.  

As we went to press, we were on the prowl as reports came down that the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley was threatened and staff was evacuated.      The Getty Museum in West Los Angeles was also on the fire Path as well.   We could not agree more with Lakers Star LeBron James when he noted how "crazy" he was--his family had to evacuate and he sponsored a Taco Truck for First Respondents.

Beyond the challenging scenes here in California, there is the on-going calamity in Syria as Syrian State Media is reporting clashes with Turkish Forces.    A Russian-Backed meeting  has been going on in Geneva to come up with a new post-war Constitution for Syria.    This is as Iraq Protests are continuing and the Shitte Bloc has withdrawn its backing from the Iraqi Prime Minister after he refused to call for elections.

Challenging Times....
