Notations On Our World: On the #BlueGirl; #Israel, #Iran & Other Thoughts

“We’re living in a story-based world. We’re hard-wired to process things through the lens of stories which are linear narratives.” — Neal Stephenson

 Our team decided to feature this courtesy of the Team at Mission because we view our Mission as to tell a story and to do what we can to make a difference.

To this end, we have been assessing the state of affairs in Israel as another election took place and as we went to press, the current Prime Minister of Israel enticed the former Chief of Staff, Benny Gantz, to form a Unity Government.   We have also been assessing the aftermath of the attack on Saudi Arabia's Oil Facilities.  President Trump noted that the United States can defend Saudi Arabia--but Saudi Arabia has to reimburse the United States.

In the meantime, it is the dawn of the annual UN General Assembly as we saw reports on how Iran has become a bit more challenging to tame while the United States has increased the pressure as visas for President Rouhani and Foreign Minister Zarif was yet to be issued: 

We also have been paying tribute to the case of the Blue Girl in Iran.  She was a young 17-year old fan of Soccer (Football) and she set herself ablaze--tributes were on-going and our team had the pleasure to join in honoring her--this is as Iran's State Broadcaster brought the Father on who claimed her child was mentally ill:

Our team will continue its' ongoing assessment as we look forward to the engagements over the ensuing weeks.

