
Showing posts from August, 2019

As We Go Dark For #LaborDay2019 Here in the United States....

As we go dark for the labor day weekend here in the United States, we note the following as we remain ever so hopeful about our World as we note this from the World this week-and look forward to the privilege to serve:

Notations On Our World (Special Thursday Edition): On Europe Right Now

  As we went to press, we were assessing the latest move by the UK Prime Minister to by-pass Parliament to force through a No-Deal Brexit.   The European Union is interestingly silent on it as British MP's begin moves to try and stop a deal.   Whether it will mean a vote of no confidence in Boris Johnson's Government remains to be seen--what is clear is that battle lines have been drawn as the United Kingdom deals with the looming October 31, 2019 headline.   President Trump--through his Twitter Feed that reflects his thinking--chimed in on the debate with a response for the UK Labour Leader, Jeremy Corbyn.   This is as there have been dire reports of a no-deal Brexit underscored by this we just received courtesy of the team at the Financial Times as we regularly feature their front page daily on our Twitter Channel: myFT Instant Alert Global Economy The British economy is not ready for Brexit Even if the disruption is contained, it could cau...

Notations From the Grid (Mid-Week Edition): Out & About in our World

A potential meeting between Iran's Rouhani and US President Donald Trump has been the talk of the town over the past few days.    One headline in Iran showed how President Trump went it alone as another headline noted how Iran's Supreme Leader noted how negotiations with the United States is "poison".   For now, both sides have backed off from any meetings in the near future especially as the UN General Assembly is before us.  Israel seems to apparently be left in the cold though based on reporting from Haaretz. The New York Times' Peter Baker Tweet on the reality was quite telling on how the G7 has lost relevancy as President Trump trashed a former President and was a fervent advocate for Russia to be returned to the fold of the G7:  As we went to press with this mid-week edition of "Notations",  @Kaltoons released this which provided a sense of the true realities of the State of the Trump Presidency: 

Notations From the Grid (Special W-End Edition): On @POTUS Watch (Network Edition)

The G7 in France has begun.    As we went to press, President Macro of France and President Trump had lunch   Yet, it was quite a week as well as the Tariff wars escalated, President Trump said he was "the chosen one" (and later said he was joking), the Amazon Burnt and Greenland was the topic of discussion.  Here is a sampling of the discourse over the web this week on our W-End Network edition of @POTUS Watch:

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On @POTUS Watch

It has been an interesting week on @POTUS Watch.  Our team made a selection of the discourse over Twitter we hereby present for this network edition of @POTUS watch:

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On the History Of the World

As a new Week dawns, we hereby present a History of the World: 

Notations From the Grid (Special W-End Edition): On @POTUS Watch W-End

It has been quite a week in the United States as the Debate over Immigration got heated and the United States Got a jolt in light of recession fears--Some of the discourse on this as the #TrumpRecession was trending was noted below:  On the Foreign Policy Front, The President of the United States urged Israel to bar the entry of two sitting members of Congress.  The US Ambassador to Israel expressed support for the move and Senior Members of the House Congressional Leadership including Congressman Steve Scalise of Louisiana expressed support for the move--in spite of the fact that Israel had agreed one month before to grant them visas which was welcomed by the US House Democratic Leader and the US Republican Leader which will undermine the Israeli stance on bi-partisanship.     What is also of note is how as Aaron David Miller noted that the BDS movement was given a gift.    Our team complied a note on the reactions to the move by the Government of Isr...

Notations From the Grid (Special Edition): On the Protection of Journalists

Our team has made an editorial decision to feature this newsflash courtesy of the team at the Committee to Protect Journalists which will be featured on all our key Virtual Properties for the Week --as we will do our part to not complain but to make things: Stepping up journalists’ digital safety know-how CPJ’s Emergencies Response Team  released  in July an updated  Digital Safety Kit  to provide journalists with the latest information on how best to protect themselves and their sources through secured digital accounts, devices, and online communications. The kit also provides practical advice to help journalists navigate digital threats like phishing attacks and specific concerns related to crossing borders, when authorities may seek to inspect devices. Available in English,  French ,  Spanish , and  Russian , journalists and media organizations may freely use and share the text under the  terms  of our Creative Commons license. News of the...

Notatotions From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On @POTUS Watch ((Network Edition)

It has been quite a few days yet again as the Trump Adminstration announced rules to toughen Residency Requirements and made moves to significantly weaken the Endangered Species Act.    Our team decided to headline the Music Video produced by the Children on the eloquent plea they have laid out to us all to Save the Planet especially as the International Congress of Youth Voices began in Puerto Rico This is as the Jeffrey Epstein killed himself and the President spread conspiracy theories and such was defended by the President's Counselor, Kelly Anne Conway- -although the Bureau of Prisons fall under the preview of the Department of Justice under William Barr as he said investigations will continue and declared that victims will get justice.     As we went to press with this weekly edition of @POTUS here in our Perspectives property, we note this courtesy of the team at the Washington Post: The team at the Bulwark reflected upon the weekend with the headline f...

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On Our World

Boris Johnson & Donald Trump (Courtesy Financial Times)  As we went to press, we were seeing reports out of the United Kingdom that the UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is gearing up for a snap election and he has ordered his staff to be on a War-Type Footing as he's begun a spending spree to work to mitigate the brunt of Brexit.    The US Secretary of State noted that they would be ready to sign a free trade deal with the UK immediately upon an exit from the European Union.     Our team found the depiction courtesy of the Team at the Financial Times depicting Donald Trump and Boris Johnson as his Butler to be interesting. In the meantime, Back in the United States, President Trump left for his New Jersey Resort as he noted a "beautiful Letter" he received from the North Korean Leader and supposedly made a "Small Apology" for the recent missile launches as the US and South Korea conducted exercises.    President Trump asked for reimbursements...

Notations From the Grid (W-End Edition): On #Iran

Iran and the United States continue to be at loggerheads.    The Economist of London depicted the standoff as the Propaganda War continues epitomized by what was released by US Embassy Baghdad on Iran's Supreme Guide (referred to as the Supreme  Leader in the Western Press): As this report came out, one of the Supreme Leader's key aides came out and noted how pious a life he led and how he even borrowed money from his Security Team to help pay for expenses. We will continue to assess the state of affairs over the ensuing weeks.

Notations From the Grid (Special Thursday Edition) : Out & About In Our World...

President Trump and the First Lady visited Dayton and El Paso yesterday.  Our team captured a sampling of the Twitter Discourse in addition of analysis from Seth Meyers and Trevor Noah: As We Went to Press, we noted this courtesy of the National's Joyce Karam : We also saw this from Amnesty International: