Notations On Our World (Special Friday Edition): On @POTUS Watch re #Mueller

Reflections On the Mueller Report:  (Source Counterpoint by KAL) 

As the aftermath of the Mueller Report continues to reverberate, President Trump noted that the Administration will not comply with any of the demands by the US House of Representatives.   This is as Trevor Noah shared his perspective of the past 24 hours:

As we went to Press with this edition of "Notations" we understood that Former Vice President Joe Biden was due to announce his candidacy for the Presidency.    This reporting from the Washington Examiner was quite interesting :

The family of the late Sen. John McCain plans to support former Vice President Joe Biden's White House bid, backing the Democrat not only in his party's crowded primary race but also in a general election matchup with President Trump, the Washington Examiner has learned.
In an extraordinary snub to Trump, who derided McCain's Vietnam War service and mocked him even after his death last August at age 81, the McCain family is preparing to break with the Republican Party. McCain represented the party in Congress for 35 years and was chosen as its presidential nominee in 2008, losing to Barack Obama.
Read the full story here. 

& it is now official although Mrs. McCain did put a statement denying the reporting by the Washington Examiner and the President's Supporters went after Joe Biden on Twitter yesterday calling him Low Energy among other things: 

mike --

America is an idea. Based on a founding principle that all men are created equal.

It's an idea that's stronger than any army, bigger than any ocean, and more powerful than any dictator.

It gives hope to the most desperate people on Earth. It instills in every single person in this country the belief that no matter where they start in life, there's nothing they can’t achieve if they work at it.

Today, that idea is under attack.

We've got a president who assigns a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it.

A president who, like most charlatans and demagogues throughout history, seeks only to aggrandize himself, to consolidate his own power -- by blaming the "other."

If we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation.

I cannot stand by and watch that happen.

Our core values, our very standing in the world, our democracy, and everything that makes us who we are is at stake.

That's why I'm announcing my candidacy for President of the United States.


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