Notations On Our World (Special Edition): On France & Notre-Dame

The scenes of the Fire at Notre-Dame yesterday were heartbreaking to be witness to.   We commend the valiant fire fighters in Paris on all that they were able to save.    We were so pleased to see the commitment by Salma Hayek and her husband for $ 113 Million and the commitment by President Macron to rebuild the Notre-Dame.     This is as this crossed our news wire on an upcoming international donors conference--We will assist in helping to spread the World on reconstruction in every which way as Notre-Dame is not just part of France, but the World--as we also hope France sees a period of calm and unity as we urge the yellow jackets to stand down:

MARDI 16 AVRIL 2019 - 09:04 (PARIS)

Paris Mayor Hidalgo announces international donors conference to help rebuild Notre-Dame Cathedral


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