Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): Out & About In Our World

In Laguna Niguel, CA @ The Niguel Botanical Preserve:  Trail To Eagle 
In Laguna Niguel, CA @ The Niguel Botanical Preserve:  Trail To Eagle 

Today is Earth Day.    Members of our team joined Earth Day celebrations over the weekend at the Niguel Botanical Preserve here in our hometown of Laguna Niguel.  

As we hope all enjoy visits to our properties throughout the week, please enjoy this courtesy of @Ted on reflecting upon the 25 Top Ted Talks as we look forward to the properties with the weekly edition of Notations along with our Live Broadcast Pod and our Twitter Corner Updates: 


The most popular talks of all time

Are schools killing creativity? What makes a great leader? How can I find happiness? These 25 talks are the ones that you and your fellow TED fans just can't stop sharing. Watch »
