Notations From the Grid (Weekly Editon): On #Brexit

As the Debate in the British Parliament continues over Brexit, our team pulled the following together as we assess how the political leaders in the UK will work through this profound challenge: 

UK Brexit Vote Reflects a Deep Crisis in Capitalism (Pt 1/2)
Had the British been presented with the option, people might choose a socialist Britain over a capitalist EU, but they are not given that choice, say Prof. Leo Panitch of York University and Jon Lansman of the British Labour Party’s National Executive Committee

Brexit Vote: Will the EU Throw UK PM Theresa May a Lifeline?
In-spite of the deep splits among the Tories, Prof. John Weeks says that a Brexit agreement will be made when the EU bails out Theresa May in the lead-up to the EU parliamentary elections

Could a
After Brexit, Northern Ireland will return to the UK and leave the EU, while the Irish Republic will remain a member. People living on the border fear serious disruptions, and a return to violence, if barriers start to appear between the two states.

