Notations From the Grid (Special Weekly Edition): Out & About in Our World

 The last 24 hours has been Earth shattering as President Trump Former Personal Counsel, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to 8 counts and as Paul Manafort was convicted on 8 Counts.    The ramifications are continuing--but what our team decided to report on a very high note  with this courtesy of the team at Global Citizen:

The 100 Women Who Changed the World
BBC History magazine has released the names of 100 women who experts say had the most significant impact on world history.
This Is What Breastfeeding Looks Like Around the World
A New York-based photographer traveled to 18 countries – and along the way she captured a beautiful collection of images of mothers breastfeeding their children.
Why People Are Loving Gap’s Back-to-School Ads
International clothing retail company Gap Inc. is getting props across the internet for its diverse new ad campaign.
What the Paul Manafort Trial Has to Do With Poverty
Countries lose trillions of dollars in government revenue each year through tax evasion. This money could be used to fund schools, improve health care, and more.
Women in South Africa Protest Gender-Based Violence
People in South Africa celebrated Women's Day last week – and these women used the day to make their voices heard.
Help Us Improve Nutrition for Adolescent GirlsDid you know women and girls are more vulnerable to malnutrition? Tell world leaders to focus on improving nutrition for women – especially those of reproductive age. 
