Random Thoughts As April 2018 Drifts Away Into History....

It has been quite a month in our World as May is bound to be even more colorful as we await President Trump's Decision on the Iran Deal, as the US Mid-Terms get into high gear and as we continue to be ever so engaged with our Mission throughout.   This was also as the World was witness to the Summit of the Two Koreas.    We agree that it masked the ugly nature of the North Korean Regime--but we are of the view that talking is better than shooting--and commitments that came out (albeit vague at times) is still welcome   The image from the Muse above was  cute as a Moment of Pause.

We also wanted to "close out" the Month with these "Random Thoughts" with the first one being from the great Abbas Attar (whom Thomas Endribrink of the New York Times deemed an "Iranian in Paris") who passed away with this iconic image of his from the Iranian Revolution of 1979--and as protests continue throughout the Country: 

We close out April in our Properties with these two final thoughts as we look forward to living up to our Mission throughout: 

Onward to May with all its' possibilities!!!
