Out & About In America Witness to #NeverAgain

It has been quite a week in America as the debate in the aftermath of the Parkland massacre has continued.    Earlier this afternoon Washington Time, President Trump, Vice President Pence and Education Secretary DeVos hosted a Listening Session at the White House with Parkland Survivors that we understand were selected by the Administration that included and others--including the co-founder of Sandy Hook Promise and a Father who lost his daughter at Columbine who founded Rachel's Challenge.   It was a powerful moment as our team chose selections of one of the most powerful two hours we've been witness to as we are also featuring a very powerful clip from Brooke Baldwin as we saw some of the attacks on the kids as epitomized by what Trevor Noah noted below: 

President Trump declined to join the Town Hall by CNN as well as Governor Scott.     Beyond this powerful day after a profound week, this clip from Tom Friedman was extremely troubling that all should take note of as we agree with him in how the Republican Party has remained silent: 
