Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On @realDonaldTrump; #MSC2018 & Other Thoughts On Quite a Challenging Week...

President Trump in West Palm Beach, Fla., on Friday. Mr. Trump has made little if any public effort to rally the nation to confront Moscow for its electoral intrusion or to defend democratic institutions against continued disruption.

As America celebrated President's Day this week , our team chose to feature an interview by Noam Chomsky-- one of the leading intellectual thinkers of our time.  He recently gave an interview to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on his views on @realDonaldTrump with changes to US Nuclear Policy, the new Budget and the on-going political landscape in light of the indictments announced by the US Justice Department related to the Russia Investigation last week:

This is as The Chief New York Times Correspondent for the New York Times, Peter Baker, noted this over the week-end in the aftermath of the testimony by the heads of the Intelligence Community, the admission by General McMaster of Russian Collusion at the Munich Security Conference--even though Mr. Trump undermined General McMaster comments shortly thereafter in a Tweet:

The tragedy in Florida also continues to resonate--This image was quite striking as the Students in Parkland have called for a March on Washington and as the President was scheduled to have a listening session later on today.  

‘We have to stop voting for Republicans; we have to stop voting for people who take money from the NRA.’

The powerful 7 Minutes Speech by one of the Students, Emma Gonzales, gave voice to the stark choices and how the students simply, "We Don't deserve this" as The President blasted the FBI for being "distracted" By the Russia Investigation:

"They say that tougher gun laws do not decrease  gun violence. We call BS!" Florida high school shooting survivor Emma Gonzalez calls on President Trump and lawmakers to tighten gun restrictions in impassioned speech at an anti-gun rally in Fort Lauderdale

What we found fascinating over the weekend was the give and take between The Iranian Foreign Minister and the Israeli Prime Minister (who's under a cloud of suspicion including being recommended by Israeli Police to be indicted for Corruption.   

It will be a continued challenge.   
