Notations From the Grid (Special Friday Edition): Out and About in Our World...

We wanted to end the week here in our main property on a bit of a high note as we honor all the refugees of the World with this from the Syrian Singer Wafiaa:
We are just as obsessed which is why we began upon the journey as we have. We also are so proud to feature this we picked up from the UN Refugee Agency Twitter Channel:

   It is of note that there are 65 Million displaced people around the World according to the UN Refugee Agency and millions who are technically Stateless including the Rohniyga in Burma (also known as Myanmar) and the Palestinians living in the Occupied Territories.    The United States has decided to withhold funds to the UN Refugee Workers Agency (UNRWA).   There is also drama in Washington as we went to press as  our team has been monitoring the on-going situation   as the World awaits a determination on the status of the US Federal Government and whether funding will run out.   It must be noted that as the US is a Federal System, there will not be a total shutdown--however the last time a major shutdown occurred, it cost US Tax Payers billions.

We remain hopeful--a sense of hope epitomized by that Blue Flag of the UN.

