Notations From the Grid (Special Weekly Edition): As #2017 Draws to a Close...

Our team picked this up courtesy  of the New York Times' Upshot team on the pending Tax Cut Bill:

In addition to the Tax Debate, One of the biggest decisions that came down was the rejection of Net Neutrality by the US Federal Communications Commission despite profound opposition--including we here are the Daily Outsider.    However, what Politico Noted was also very critical:
Our team has also been assessing the moves by Judicial Watch.  One move they made was to file suit against California regarding Voting:
On the Foreign Policy Front, the War of Words intensified between the United States and Iran in the aftermath of UN Ambassador Nikki Haley's Speech in Washington which prompted a retort from the Iranian Foreign Minister over Twitter this past week:

Beyond the immediate challenges, we are looking to 2018 as We were witness to quite a #2017.   These images below captured the beauty, the majesty and the tragedies of our World during 2017 and we send a Virtual Thanks to the team at Reuters for their Choice and the team at China Daily for having featured it that we're privileged to feature here as we prepare to go dark for the year:   

China : A Salute 

United States: The Great Eclipse 

Europe: The Beauty of Greece 

Iraq:  The Battle For Mosul 

United States:  Muslim Ban Protests in Dallas 

United States:  New York City Marathon 

Europe:  A White Muse On a Stroll in Sweden 

It is bound to be a very interesting 2018....
