Notations From the Grid (Special Edition): On #Iran Watch

Our team just captured these images from Social Media  from wide-spread demonstrations throughout Iran over the past 36 hours as the Government has called for major demonstrations in support of the Government in the aftermath of the challenges of the Green Movement.   Ayatollah Khameini noted in the first screen capture on how he wanted the current President and the former President to be held to account--even though his own accountability is not to be questioned for the continued profound challenges the Country Faces.     Clips of Videos continue to be hitting the Social Media Airways throughout the past number of days as Official Government Media continues to stay silent and dismissive of the wide-spread demonstrations.   Cries of "No to Gaza, No to Lebanon..I will lay my life for Iran " especially resonated as the first Vice President, Jahangiri, dismissed is as "an excuse" and underscored that such will not harm the Government.   

As we went to press, we wanted to note one interesting note was by Professor Zibakalam of Tehran University.   He has been one of the leading internal voices of dissent as he underscored how the rising voices of discontent against the current President, Hassan Rouhani, must be held in check.     This is as he released this on what he viewed as the misguided view on how Iran approaches its' Foreign Policy in relations to Israel:

. یکی از دلایل ناکامی فلسطینی‌ها ظرف ۷۰سال گذشته اختلافات کشورهای اسلامی بوده. در ماجرای اخیر به عنوان مثال، ما ایرانیان بیش از آن که به فکر یاری فلسطینی‌ها باشیم، در پی تسویه حساب با سعودی‌ها هستیم. تلاش می‌کنیم نشان دهیم آن‌ها و خط سازش مقصر بوده‌اند و در مقابل، موضعِ رادیکالِ ایرانِ انقلابی، درست و بر حق. #زیباکلام_توییتر #زیباکلام_توئیتر #زیباکلام #صادق_زیباکلام #تولد_اسراییل #تولد_اسرائیل #کتاب_تولد_اسرائیل #کتاب_تولد_اسراییل #فلسطین #اسرائیل #اورشلیم #اسراییل #اسرائیل_باید_نابود_شود #اسرائیل_باید_از_بین_برود
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 He featured three of the defeated and discredited Presidential Candidates and asked:  there is no alternative as he challenged Rouhani to hear the pleas of the ordinary faces on the street.    This is as major cities throughout Iran dealt with environmental hazards that prompted closures of Schools and Institutions as Iran continued to face challenging weather in the aftermath of a very challenging Budget that the President has presented to Parliament which is being deliberated as we went to press.
