
Showing posts from November, 2017

Notations From the Grid (Special Month-End Edition): As November 2017 Fades Into History (with an Update).......

November 1963 was the month 54 years ago that John F. Kennedy was assassinated.    The images that was shared over Twitter was quite a scene to be witness to.      Our team picked this up which was the telegram by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr on his condolence message for Mrs. Kennedy that the Presidential Scholar Michael Bescheloss released to his Twitter Feed as the President was busy talking about something else over Twitter: Dr. King was to fall to an assassin's bullet 5 years later along with Robert F. Kennedy shortly thereafter.     We also picked up this from our Founders' Archives about the need to be above it all:   Our team was also profoundly concerned about the attacks on the Press especially as we've been witness to journalists killed in Mexico, cartoonists being imprisoned throughout Africa along with the continued detention of Al Jazeera's Mahmoud Hussein in Egypt that we've done our utmost to help keep his cause for freedom ...

Notations On Our World (Special Mid-Week Edition): On #ClimateCrisis & The Need to Change

A New Week and a New Month is at at hand.    As we look to the end of 2017 and gear up for 2018, challenges abound. One of the most profound challenges we have before us is the  challenge of the Climate Crisis:  It is real.   We here in Southern California, for instance, experienced a heatwave over the thanksgiving Week with records broken.     This is as we are faced with the challenge of how to feed a growing Population and how to adapt which was addressed by Raj Patel recently--one of the focus points we hope to build on during the new year as we formulate our strategic road-map here in #Outsiders:  Our Founder shared this image with us he captured from Al Gore's Book about three questions that has helped to drive our work on Climate Change and our World in General:  As we have reflected upon a very challenging World (underscored by the attack in Sinai over the Thanksgiving Week; the continued challenges of War and Pove...

Notations From the Grid (Special Media Edition): @POLITICO Snapshot on the State of the Media

Around Town in our Hometown of Laguna Niguel  The Holidays have arrived in our Hometown of Laguna Niguel.     But, our journey of service continues!!! As we are witness to the latest chaos in Washington with the leadership at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and continued debate over tax cuts, the state of the Media must not be discounted as we believe we have a vested interest here.   The team @Politico does a fabulous job capturing the "snapshots" of the past 24 hours and we here at the Daily Outsider, as students of Media & policy, find it a "Must Read".  For this special edition of "Notations from the Grid" we are pleased to feature it as we salute the Washington Post for having exposing James O'Keefe and of course lamenting the withering away of one of the venerable insitituions of our time, Time Inc: By Michael Calderone | 11/28/2017 05:34 AM EDT THE WASHINGTON POST HAS AN AGENDA when it comes to  allegations of sexual misconduct...

On @POTUS watch w/ @realDonaldTrump Christmas Gift to the Poor: Tax Hikes: The Daily Show


Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition) : Saudi Arabia Working to Assert Itself....

Our team has been on the prowl as the struggle in the Middle East is continuing and as we witness to to change in Zimbabwe as our World always fascinates as we work to live up to our mantra of Intelligent Engagement.  The New York Times' Thomas Friedman sat down with Mohammad Bin Salman on Thanksgiving 2017.    Mr. Friedman's Column is available in full by clicking here.   Our team wanted to feature his column with the image it captured above that is quite telling in terms of what he said as he deemed Khameini, Iran's Supreme Leader   the new Hitler of the Middle East.   This is as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt have increased the pressure on Qatar.    What was interesting (and amusing in our team's View) was what someone deemed this: A Press release by #MBS (that he's known for) sent forth through Thomas Friedman.     Mr. Friedman has done some interesting work and we have been a fan of his writings includ...