
Showing posts from May, 2017

Notations From the Grid (May 2017 M-End Edition): On #Afghanistan ; @ParisAgreement; #Russia & @POTUS

The deadly attack at the heart of the Afghan Capital, Kabul, underscores the continued challenge being faced in Afghanistan as the United States continues to fight on: The close promixity to the Presidential Palace and key embassies shows a failure at the highest level of intelligence as the Taliban continue their onslaught and as the Islamic State continues to make inroads.     Beyond Afghanistan, there is the Paris Agreement.   Our team released a special edition of Notations as we were seeing reports of President Trump's decision to withdraw from Paris as he noted in a meeting with the Prime Minister of Vietnam he's "....hearing from a lot of people...believe me...".   The agreement was signed by all with the exception of Nicaragua and Syria.   The European Union and China are issuing a joint statement to reaffirm their commitment to the agreement tomorrow as the President seems to buy the arguments advanced by his EPA Adminstratior and 22 US Senators who hav...

Notations On Our World (Special Edition): On #ParisAgreement

There have been multiple reports that President Trump has decided to pull out of Paris Agreement  in some measure due to a letter from 22 US Republican Senators lead by the US Senate Majority Leader.   It was interesting that pleas from the G7, a majority of US Corporations and a majority of the people was not taken into account along with this plea from the UN Secretary General: Climate change is undeniable Climate action is unstoppable Climate solutions provide opportunities that are unmatchable. - @antonioguterres — United Nations (@UN) May 31, 2017

Notations From the Gird (May 2017 M-End Edition): On @POTUS; Middle East & Other Thoughts

It was quite an interesting Memorial Day Week End here in the United States.  The President of the United States  returned to Washington after a whirlwind of a Trip.   Some note that he struck largely to script and there were no major gaffes.   However, Chancellor Merkel gave a speech noting how the United States was not to be trusted and relied upon as a partner underscoring the apparent damage the President has done not withstanding the view from the White House . Meanwhile, back in the United States,   The  Republicans retained the House Seat in Montana.   As it goes in politics, a win is a win--however the net was about by 2 Percent that underscores the profound challenges the Republicans face as the Mid-terms are before us.    It must also be noted that meetings were held in Washington between The Trump Family , the Republican National Committee and the new PAC set up to advance the Trump Agenda as the President eyes the 2020 Re-election...

On This Memorial Day 2017...and on the 100th Birthday of President Kennedy....

Our team is honored to share the following compilation of thoughts courtesy of @Jonathan Huie on all our properties:  No one has been barred on account of his race from fighting or dying for America, there are no white or colored signs on the foxholes or graveyards of battle. - John F. Kennedy Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate. - John F. Kennedy War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today. - John F. Kennedy The basic problems facing the world today are not susceptible to a military solution. - John F. Kennedy And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. - John F. Kennedy Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal. - John F. Kennedy

View of the Week (Special Edition): Theater of War: A Warrior's Last Words

We salute all who have served as we appreciate the New York Times producing this--our team was extremely moved by this:

As We Go Dark For Memorial Day Week-End Here in the United States

Please enjoy these compilation of Thoughts we have decided to feature on all our properties  courtesy of @Jonathan Huie that underscores our sense of gratitude as a team for the opportunity to serve as we wish all in the United States a joyous and restful weekend: With gratitude, all life appears as a blessing - without gratitude, all of life is perceived as a burden. - Jonathan Lockwood Huie We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. - Frederick Koenig

Notations On Our World (Special @POTUS Watch Edition): On Healthcare & the Budget

As President Trump continues his travels, the challenges in Washington continue.   The Congressional Budget has just scored the American Healthcare Act: New From CBO H.R. 1628, American Health Care Act of 2017 CBO and JCT estimate that enacting the American Health Care Act would reduce federal deficits by $119 billion over the coming decade and increase the number of people who are uninsured by 23 million in 2026 relative to current law. This is Congressman Mark Sanford noted his profound reservations about the Budget as reported by the Washington Post: A Freedom Caucus Republican says the foundation of the Trump budget is ‘a lie’ "What it does is it perpetuates a myth that we can go out there and balance a budget without touching entitlements,” said Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.) at a House Budget Committee hearing. “It's not only a myth, it's frankly a lie." By Mike DeBonis  •  PowerPost  •  Read more »

Thought For the Week: On Our World & Remaining Hopeful....

It  has been a very challenging 24 hours in our World as we have been witness to the horrific attack in Manchester with live coverage on our Al Jazeera Feed on our main property at .    The UK Prime Minister, Teresa May, raised the threat level to critical as she prepared to order the Army into the streets .    We could not agree more as the World was reminded that love triumphs hate.   We also were witness as the Philippines was witness to the horror of Daesh (known as ISIS/ISIL in the west) as it laid stage to a major City in the southern Island of Mindanao.   The Philippine President declared Marshal Law and cut short a trip to Russia to return to oversee operations.    This is as our team continued to assess the travels of President Trump and on-going meetings for which our Social Media Team provided updates over out Twitter Channel (and our Founder was also quite busy on his personal T...

Notations On Our World (Special Tuesday Edition): On the Road w/ @POTUS, The Horror in #Manchester & the @POTUS Budget

It has been a whirlwind as our team has been on the prowl assessing the latest out of the Middle East.  President Trump left for the Vatican after 27 Hours in Israel as the bashing of Iran continued and symbolism was the order of the day--and after what President Rouhani deemed a "Show" in Riyadh.      W hat is important to note was Professor Nasr's analysis on the Iranian Elections that seems to have been totally overlooked by President Trump in his comments- -and his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.     This is as the World was witness to the horrific attack in Manchester, the UK, as 22 innocent victims fell victim  to a horrific attack by what has now been reported to be a 22-Year Old Suicide Bomber named Salman Abadi--who is of Libyan origin.    Here are images of two of the victims: We here at the Daily Outsider mourn all the victims and pray that their families are given the solace by the almighty to overcome this profound sense of gr...

Notations on Our World (Weekly Edition) : On @POTUS; #IranElections2017 & Other Thoughts

At a Rouhani Rally in Ardebil, Iran  Earlier today, the President of the United States spoke at a Summit of Arab and Islamic Leaders in Riyadh organized by King Salman of Saudi Arabia.   It must be noted that Iran was not invited.    This is also as Iran finished off a pivotal election and as Saudi Arabia and the United States signed a multitude of agreements--including over 100 Billion Dollars in Arms.   What is notable is that the arms deal transcends all past deals of the past 50 years.    Our team here at #Outsiders has been assessing the post-summitt analysis as President Trump is about to leave for Israel.   We have been working away on our Twitter Feed on the analysis at hand.  As we work on a compliation of it all over the ensuing days--and as the President's Trip continues onward to the Vatican and the G-7--it is all occuring in the backdrop of looming challenges back in the United States.   What our team found hillarious w...

Notations On Our World: On The Historic #IranElections2017

Polls in Iran has closed and the counting has begun.    Based on initial estimates, some 71 Percent of Iran went to the Polls--almost 38 Million Iranians!! One of the most important matters has been how the elections has been peaceful throughout the Country.    One very interesting point  has also been that populism has suffered a major setback in Iran as there has been a very concerted effort throughout social media for the moderate progressive supporters to vote.    Despite profound limitations, Former President Khatamy voted as also the imprisoned Green Movements leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi, his wife Zahra Rahnavard and Mehdi Karoubi also voted.      Although there are reports of conflicts between the Ministry of the Interior (officially responsible) along the Guardian Council, the Ministry of the Interior has again underscored that any reporting done through Social Media is not correct.     The Polling done prior to the Ele...