
Showing posts from February, 2017

Notations On Our World: Briefly on #JointAddress by @POTUS

President Trump just finished delivering his first address to a Joint Session of Congress.    It entailed a review of the first 40 days of his Administration and what has been done to date.  He also noted how he plans to expand the Military, repeal and replace Obamacare and launc the $ 1 Trillion Infrastructure Program.   The key feature of this was underscored:  Buy American, Hire American.  It was quite interesting how he underscored his commitment to Clean Air and Clean Water.    As he continued  He also interestingly noted how he planned to give Governors the tool to expand Medicaid to ensure access.   He also talked about Paid Family Leave.  What was striking was how he opened his speech by condemning Anti Semitism and also noted the recent shootings in Kansas that resulted in the death of an Indian Engineer working for Garmin.    BuzzFeed has noted that some 7 Mosques have burnt down which underscores the challenges faced at the grassroots.   He reminded all that, "We all b

View of the Week: On the Eve of March 2017......

As February is winding down,  Syria was again in the news as Russia and China vetoed another resolution condemning Syria.    Marwan Bishara of Al Jazeera is underscoring the profound dilemma as he noted what we agree with:  There appears to be no daylight between the Obama Administration and the Trump Administration not withstanding the President's Campaign pronouncements denouncing President Obama's policies during the campaign.    This is as the President's speech before Congress looms on this 40th Day of his Administration in the aftermath of his on-going listening tour.   The picture by Counselor to the President blew up Twitter, though as epitomized by the Wall Street Journal's Bret Stephens: If Rice or Jarrett had sat like this in Oval Office conservatives would have screamed themselves hoarse for weeks. Now we own trashy. — Bret Stephens (@StephensWSJ) February 28, 2017 This is as he also spoke out against The persistent attack by the Pres

Happy Birthday Pakistan's Angel of Mercy!!!

Thank you Google for honoring him as we are privileged to feature this done by Google in his honor--He would have been 89 Years Old.

Notations On Our World: On the #JointSession Speech by @POTUS

President Trump is less than 24 Hours away from delivering a speech to a Joint Session of Congress.   This is as he has come out with proposed increases in Military Spending and spending on the proposed Mexican Wall.     The White House Released this on the eve of the President's Speech: President Donald J. Trump will be delivering his first address to a Joint Session of Congress on  Tuesday, February 28, 2017 . Be sure to tune in as the President will be sharing his vision for the country. When:   Tuesday, February 28, 2017 , at  9 p.m. Where:  The United States Capitol in the House Chamber, also known as the "Hall of the House of Representatives.” Who:  The President will address Members of both the House of Representatives and Senate in his first address to a Joint Session of Congress. The Speech:  President Trump is keeping the tradition of previous Presidents by delivering a formal address to a Joint Session of Congress during his inaugural year, and will deliver his fir

Notations On Our World (Special #Oscars 2017 Edition): Quite an interesting Night....

It has been an interesting Oscar Night 2017: Two prominent Iranian-Americans, Anousheh Ansari and Firouz Naderi, accepted the award on behalf of the director, Asghar Farahani.    What was also quite remarkable was the win about the Syrian White Helmets.   The favorite, La La Land, did not was "moonlight" that did.... Fun to be Witness to History... .

Notations On Our World: On Being Thankful & Challenges

As February 2017 draws to a close here in #Outsiders, we wanted to simply note how grateful we are to serve.    We look forward to the continued opportunity to serve as our network evolves as we continue to assess our World fully aware of the true realities in our World Today as underscored by the profound challenges faced in our World Today.    This challenge was underscored by the horrific attack on two Indian Engineers in Kansas.     Our founder sent out a Tweet of condolence to the Indian Foreign Minister and tagged the President, the Vice President and the White House Press Secretary with the hope that they would speak out forcefully against such actions.  The President is scheduled to speak at @CPAC 17 tomorrow. As our journey continues, we are fully cognizant of the continued challenges in our World as we look forward to adding voice to the voiceless and living up to our mission to work to change the conversation about our World:  Onward to March 2017 with all its' possibili

View of the Week: Celebrating African American History Month

It is African American History Month.     In honor Of African American Month, please enjoy this talk from Dr. West available on Vimeo for all to Watch:  African American History Celebration with Dr. Cornel West from St. Sabina Video on Vimeo .